
Suroflex: Jute fibresDirect out of Nature

Sustainability by using renewable resources is our corporate philosophy. Each year over 10,000 tons of natural fibres such as cotton, wool, jute and flax are processed.
Highest quality through development and selection of specific sources is a matter of course.


Suroflex: Textile sections from production of jeansA secondary Life

To conserve natural resources we use the mass streams of clothing industry.
Some jeans do not offer comfortable fit only but acoustic effects.


Suroflex: Airodynamic felt lineCreation

The most modern production facilities are the basis for our high quality technical non-wovens. The wide range of different production methods offer the ability to produce customised solutions.


Soroflex: Horizontal fire testPremium Quality

Specific processes and constant focus on quality guaryntee products for customers with premium expectations. The right product – tailor-made and customised – at the right time and right place.


Suroflex: Stamping of partsDie-Cutting

Everything from one source: cutting, glueing, assembling. At various die-cutting plants a hughe variety of conours for different purposes are realised.
Application of adhesives enables easy installation and mounting.


Suroflex: Moulding of partsMoulding

Forming in the 3rd dimension. Different combinations of materials and binders whether hot, cold or even fully automatic pressed cover a wide range of mouldable parts.


Suroflex: Lamination of A-SurfacesA-Surfaces

Surfaces out of protective films or quality textile fabrics with closed edges offer sophisticated look.
User-friendly haptics can be integrated into modern design.


Suroflex: Assembled Parts > Hush PanelAssembly

High-variation trimming for added-on parts and complex joining of components and purchased parts complete the manufacturing process.
Fully automatic assembling systems, but also manual processes allow flexible solutions.



We adapt and optimise the available space in absorption, insulation and isolation.
Silence by nature.


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